Car and Truck Financing, Title Loan Program - Easy qualifying for car and truck financing, is a necessity if you have bad credit. There are many times that your car and/or truck will break down for a major repair over the course of its lifetime. Either you don’t have any or enough money to fix the problem and/or your credit doesn’t permit you to make this major repair. These major repairs could be in the thousands of dollars and now you have a major problem. You can ask your family members and/or friends to assist you but usually that can turn into a bigger problem. Going to a bank and/or financial institution for a loan usually isn’t feasible these days unless you have stellar credit. What do you do? In the market today are car title loan programs that aren’t Fico credit driven at all. They are interested in making these loans to you based upon the following requirements:
If your car or truck is:
Less than 8 years old. Is insured, including collision and comprehensive coverage. Has a clear title (not leased and no outstanding loans on it).
And you have a steady income, you will be approved for financing.
This is a car title loan program and can be used to get these major repairs done and repaid in payments affordable to you. These lenders are in United States and Canada……
For truck drivers we know that is your livelihood. Every day that it is off the road means that you don’t get paid. ., we understand that you need your truck to earn your living. Getting your it back in working order is a matter of urgency, so we make it our business to make it possible fast.
With our 99% approval rating for qualified applicants, even if you have bad credit or no credit, you can still be approved and have your truck back on the road as soon as the repairs are complete.
Once your loan is approved, the lender simply forward your loan documents to you for your signature. Once the documents are signed, the lender will pay for your repairs. They then break that large repair bill into smaller, more affordable monthly payments. Your repayment plan is simple and can be customized to fit your budget. It’s that easy to get your truck back on the road.
Some of the trucks and manufacturers that this financing program is valid for is: semi trucks, over the road trucks, dump trucks, boom trucks, construction trucks, crane trucks etc. This program would apply to Peterbilt, Kenworth, Mack, International, Freightliner, Volvo, Sterling, etc
These car title loan programs apply for cars and trucks and cover the United States and Canada. Don’t let your truck and/or car control your life, get on top of the problem and don’t lose sleep and money over the situation….
Car and Truck Financing, Title Loan Program