Ten Gas Saving Tips - Here are 10 tips to help you to save money on gas and improve your car’s mileage (and for those who must use a car but are still interested in going green, this will help you to use LESS of our precious fossil fuels.)
10. Don’t Drive as Much This one is simple… just don’t drive as much, and you’ll use less gas, thereby not having to spend as much. Sometimes we all just have to drive, but if you can combine your errands into one trip, or find alternative means of transportation (biking, bus, car pool) you can save money on gas. Always ask yourself, “Is this trip really necessary?”
9. Don’t Accelerate Quickly Although hard for some (it’s definitely hard for me) but to really start to see less gas usage while driving, you need to accelerate slower from stop signs and stop lights. If you drive an automatic, you do not want to accelerate too slow, but just accelerate at a moderate pace, and you will be saving gas. For those who drive a manual transmission, be sure to shift early, in order to keep your revs lower, but be sure not to lug your engine. Also pay attention to road conditions, so that you don’t accelerate only to have to brake soon because traffic is stopped, that is just wasting fuel.
8. Check Your Air Filter Simple maintenance such as changing the air filter can improve your MPG. if an air filter is dirty, it will restrict the flow of the air into the engine, which will hurt your fuel economy, while also hurting the performance of your car. An easy way to check, is to simply remove the air filter, and then hold it up to a light source (the sun works well) and if you cannot see any light coming through, then you need a new oil filter. There are permanent filters which can be simply cleaned instead of changed out. Much better for the environment and helps to save you money and gas!
7.Check Your Tire Pressure Tires that are underinflated are one of the most common, but most ignores reasons for lower gas mileage. Tires lose air as time passes and also due to temperature. Because the underinflated tires create more resistance, you have to use more gas to keep your car going. I recommend that you check your tires at least once a month with a good, working tire gauge. Be sure to check when the tires are cold, since driving causes the air to expand, and make it seem like there is more pressure than there really is.
6. Keep your Windows Up When you are travelling on the highway or freeway, don’t drive with your windows down… roll them up! By driving with your windows down, there’s 10% more air drag, causing you to have to use more gas.
5. Clean Your Car Get rid of any extra weight you may have in your car that isn’t needed. Any back seats that you aren’t user, any heavy items that are just sitting in your car. Any type of extra weight, especially if you are driving up a hill, will reduce your mileage. By eliminating that extra weight, you can improve your gas mileage.
4. Use Cruise Control In Gas Saving Tip #9 above, I talked about keeping a steady pace. One easy way to do that, and to improve your mileage, is to use cruise control. Use it whenever you see that you can keep a steady pace for a long time. You won’t have to use the accelerator (thereby using more gas) if you can keep a steady pace with cruise control.
3. Avoid Excessive Idleing They say, “Idle hands are the devil’s handiwork,” but idle cars play into the devil gas companies’ hands since idleing car causes you to waste more gas mileage. Lesson learned? Don’t idle your car or you will be wasting gas.
2. Pick a Better Route Stay away from the routes with a bunch of traffic lights and with heavy traffic. Just because you choose a short route,doesn’t mean you’ll be saving the most gas. But, if you don’t have to stop a lot, then definitely choose the shortest route.
1. Drive Slower This one is obvious. Those who have a lead foot will be spending more money on gas. It is estimated that cars get more than 20% better mileage when they are going 55 mph than when they are going 70 mph. Obviously that’s not always practical, but when you can, choose to drive slower and you’ll save more money on gas (plus not having to worry about speeding tickets either.)
Ten Gas Saving Tips