Smart Driving for Better Fuel Economy - The most fuel-efficient engine in the automotive world can only do so much in saving precious gasoline. Maximizing a vehicle’s fuel mileage is not a task for the engine alone; getting the most mileage out of a vehicle also requires the driver’s efforts. Fortunately for drivers, the question on how to save gas is easy to answer. To drive more miles per gallon of gasoline, all a driver needs is an updated set of driving habits.
One of the most effective ways to save gas is to be an ideal driver. It may sound a little far-fetched, but motorists who keep their driving under control and observe the speed limit end up saving more fuel than speed demons prone to fits of road rage. Driving at a steady speed allows the engine to work in a more stable environment. This way, the engine doesn’t guzzle more fuel than it has to. Unnecessary acceleration and abrupt braking waste more gasoline than most drivers realize. Additionally, reckless driving can also hasten damage on engine and brake parts. Aside from reducing road accidents and hazards, speed limits also let you conserve fuel in the long run. Fuel economy experts say that driving over 60 mph slowly, but surely, reduces a vehicle’s gas mileage.
Another driving habit that helps in conserving fuel is avoiding excessive idling. When and after a vehicle slows down to a stop, the engine continues to take in fuel. A vehicle left idling for a long period of time uses up gallons of gasoline without covering any miles. Obviously, this translates into fuel wastage. Drivers who anticipate temporarily stopping in an area for more than a minute can save gas by turning off the engine and restarting it as needed. Of course, this is not recommended at red lights, but adopting this practice in heavy traffic can save more gas than drivers expect.
Contrary to popular belief, driving with the windows down instead of turning up the A/C on the road doesn’t make any difference in fuel economy. Other tips to save gas, on the other hand, include making sure that the vehicle’s parts are in top condition and avoiding vehicle overloading. Making these tips into driving habits surely results in less trips to the gas pumps and can significantly boost any vehicle’s miles-per-gallon rate. Motorists don’t need to buy fancy auto products marketed to improve fuel efficiency. The quickest and easiest way to driving more miles on a gallon of gas lies in simply tweaking one’s driving habits.
Smart Driving for Better Fuel Economy