Tips for Making your Current Vehicle a More Fuel Efficient One - With increasing fuel prices, do you find yourself becoming more aware of fuel-efficiency and what that means? You may be thinking about purchasing a hybrid or a more fuel-efficient vehicle, while you are researching your options for your next vehicle purchase I have a few gas saving tips for your current vehicle.
1. Drive the Speed Limit! I know it’s the law right? Well this is true however gas efficiency also occurs at driving at a steady pace and can give you up to 21% better mileage when travelling within the standard speed limits. A bonus here is that stoplights are usually timed for the speed limit so by travelling at the speed limit you boost your chances of hitting green lights all the way – test it out I did and it worked!
2. Switch Gears! Driving fast in low gears can waist more fuel than if driving in the correct gear.
3. Keep your windows closed. Open windows can cause air drag reducing your mileage.
4. Get Regular Tune-ups. Tune-ups, especially replacing air filters and tire alignment ensure the best fuel economy
5. Make sure your Tires are Inflated. Check the manufacturers specifications for maximum tire pressure and keep them firm. Added Tip – When purchasing new tires for your vehicle turn to radials, they are recognized ‘fuel-savers’
6. Drive on Paved Roads. Driving on rough and gravel roads can raid you of up to 30% of your gas mileage.
7. Remove Excess Weight. Removing items from your trunk and roof racks when they are not being used can save you up to 20% of your mileage. Ice and snow in the winter also fall into this category as they can cause tremendous wind resistance.
8. Don’t leave your Vehicle Idling. Vehicles now a days don’t need to be ‘warmed up’ they are built to start and drive.
There are other ways you can avoid the bite at the pump with your current vehicle by walking or riding your bike when you can, car pooling, taking transit and planning your errands so they can all be done in one trip instead of several. Filling up is a very unpleasant experience for everyone right now but it has also made me more conscious of how much I am driving which is something I think we all should be aware of. Of course if you have no choice and you have to drive a lot then the best choice is to invest in a hybrid or a more fuel-efficient vehicle. Ontario has an online auto classified that allows you to sell your old vehicle and buy another that is more suited for your commuting life style. YourAutoMarket even provides video test-drives so that you can view the vehicle without even leaving your home or office. Test out some of these tricks and start saving its worth it!
Tips for Making your Current Vehicle a More Fuel Efficient One